Felt: Your best friend in times of dress up need.

I dedicate this post to my husband.

Long story short he thought it would be a good idea for us to attend our son’s Halloween movie night in “star wars” themed costumes. By the way, originally we were going to dress up as turkeys…

Anyways, lucky for us, we had a couple of onesies and Logan who had gotten a Darth Vader costume back in January. Our littlest however… was out of luck.

It took me like ten minutes to figure out what to make of the little guy.

Supplies needed:

1 beanie

1 green felt

Scissors, needle and thread.

Old brown shirt of mine.

One necklace that was part of a toy already owned and voila! You’ve got “Grogu”.

Approximate time to put together less than 10 minutes.

“Do or do not. There is no try.” -Master Yoda

If you are anything like our family, we can’t decide on just one costume.

If it were up to us, we dress up in costumes all year long. But lets face it, cosplay can get expensive.

I have found more appreciation and feed back from those “cost effective” “made at home costumes”, than the ones purchased from the store. If you are stuck, lacking creativity, or simply don’t want to spend a lot of money here are some last minute ideas that we have come up with in the past.

Felt ideas:

Minion: sew on some black felt on to a beanie (preferably a yellow beanie), make a G for “gru” and sew on to shirt or overalls. If you got black gloves laying around somewhere, wear them. For the glasses I had mason jar lids. I used a hot glue gun to stick to of them together. For the strap, I cut out black felt and got velcro (command post) strip .

“Papaya!”- Bob, a Minion

Have a black dress laying around?

Get yellow felt. Cut it in to straps and watch yourself become a bumble bee…

Sew it around your dress.

Not going to lie this one is a bit time consuming.

If you have a headband attach 2 chenille pipe cleaners, 2 black puff balls at the end of them with a hot glue gun and you’ve got yourself some antennas my friend.

“Bzzz”-random bumble bee

Non felt ideas:

If you are in your 30’s, you know you have to have something laying around from the 2000’s… Yeah we are now at a point in our lives my millennial friend in which people dress up for Halloween as y2k themed.


Got chopsticks lying around?

Turn them in to wolverines claws.

All wolverine really requires is a white tshirt, jeans and his claws…

Ignore the green person next to “Wolverine”.

Have a red polo shirt and some gold or yellow paint lying around? Paint the collar and watch yourself become Gaston.

Oh, yeah. He’s a keeper!

If baby has one of those cute bear hoodies, turn him in to a bear, or ewok.

Orange bib comes in handy when doing the ewok look but if you are missing this just grab some orange felt and that should also do the trick.

Cutest Ewok in my book.

Be safe ! And remember to just enjoy the present. People really just want to be around you more than your costume so don’t stress too much on what to wear.

As always, until next time!

⁃ Crystal, the stay at home rookie


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