I went ahead and Deactivated my Instagram

It’s been difficult. I had a public IG account as a means to advertise my blog and perhaps even connect with other parents. However, I found myself wasting so much time on the app that it was taking away from the joy of just sharing what I wanted to share.

Also, it just became annoying coming across account after account of other people in the same realm as Im in seeking to be an “influencer”. That when I would post I caught myself seeking latest trends to boost views or comparing my post to others. I just don’t want to have that weighing on me.

But anyways, just typing my thoughts on here has been so therapeutic that Im just going to stick to it until its time to renew my membership, haha. At least for myself, I have this outlet to write my thoughts down without wasting paper and if someone comes across it then great. And if not then it will be ok as well.

Also, honing down on an specific niche to draw more readers has been hard. I just want to have the liberty to write about anything. I will enjoy this as my virtual journal and thats it.

Wishing a good start of the week to those who come across this post. -with love, the stay at home rookie

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