Date Night: the chronicles of us being out of practice on having one…

Why is it so easy to put date night into the back burner? We get so caught up on all the hard work and not so fun stuff, that we forget to do the fun stuff…

Also, if you do a date night on a regular basis, why is it so easy to get caught up doing the same thing every time? For example, have dinner, go to the movies, go home. Or go to the movies, have dinner and then go home. It’s almost as if switching the routine around would make it more exciting. Don’t get me wrong, doing the same thing could be fun. However, yesterday I was reminded that when you step into the unknown with your spouse the date becomes even more appreciated, memorable, and rejuvenating.

So, if you are anything like my husband and I, who tend to have the same date plans over and over, please take this piece of advice. Try to do something different for your next date.

We live about an hour and a half from Los Angeles and so there are multiple venues with multiple activities that we can go to.

An effort actually has to be made to get out of town and do something new.

But let me tell you, if the experience is anything like yesterdays… well it is well worth it!

We went to a Q&A for “Somebody Feed Phil”.

We were hesitant at first to make the trip, find parking, deal with large crowds. But, upon arrival we discovered everything was very pleasant and convenient. The venue was at The Ebell of Los Angeles, and! we got to meet the man himself, Mr. Phil Rosenthal.

So, if you come to a halt when it comes to planning out your next date, maybe Google could help you search for something entertaining and fun to do.

Some ideas that come to mind are:

Ice-skating, couples massage, winetasting, comedy show, pop-up restaurant meal tasting, attend a game, bowling, dinner with live entertainment etc.

These are just some of the things that come to mind, but I’m sure there’s a lot more stuff to do.

In the meantime think about it, plan on it, discuss it with your spouse. And please share if you do anything that has been outside of your regular dating routine.

I would love to hear all about it.

Until next time! -Crystal, the stay at home rookie

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