The distractions of social media.

Today is a day that I have been feeling creatively stuck. I am having difficulty writing. I am having difficulty goal setting. I just realized that I forgot to post yesterday on my blog. And who do I blame this on? Myself and the distractions that Instagram has to offer. If there is one application that I can genuinely point out to, where I have spent like 80% of my time in a day just browsing through, I will admit, it’s Instagram. I have also noticed that when I am submerged in the application, I lose focus on everything else that matters. I complain more. I feel less productive. My kids feel overwhelmingly needier. As they should, they look up to me, the ADULT, to care for them. To give them undivided attention.

I will go as far as admitting that spending a lot of time on the app(s) can turn into a joy stealer. Why? because I let it. When you’re focused browsing how others portray they are living, you can lose sight of your own reality. How sad is that? Can you relate?

So today I am reminded to pause. I am reminded to reflect on what could be changed and try again tomorrow.

I think that setting boundaries with the amount of time that you spend on the phone is important.

I began to come up with a time frame of when I will go and check my social media. Either at the beginning or end of the day. And when my kids are asleep.

This will be my winter challenge. I will do a follow up post on what’s working and what is not.

Meanwhile, one thing remains true. Christ is my foundation, my hope, and my joy. My focus should be on Him before anything. He is worthy of my praise because I am saved. And while social media can be a distraction, if I am able to go back to my foundation then everything else will fall back in to place.

So if you are feeling out of sorts, gloomy, unproductive, take a minute to be still.

Read, listen to the word because joy cannot be taken from you unless you allow it to be taken from you.

If social media is causing this feeling of stress, it is ok to take a brake from it. It is ok to establish a time for it. And it is ok to say, “ok, I might not have done a great job today taking that brake, but I have tomorrow to try all over again.”

Until next time! – Crystal, the stay at home rookie

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  1. Khy Ye

    When you talk about social media being a joy stealer & how you can lose sight of your own reality based off of what others show I can relate to that 100%. I talk about it all the time b/c I spent so much comparing myself to many until I realized that some of their “realities” aren’t even their reality. People have even started to admit this too. You have the right idea as to how to go about social media though. Boundaries is just it & remembering why you share what you share. There’s always somebody watching & appreciative of what you share even if they don’t say it. Keep going ✨.

    1. stayathomerookie

      Hi! You’re awesome. Thank you so much for your feedback. This right here, “Boundaries is just it & remembering why you share what you share. There’s always somebody watching & appreciative of what you share even if they don’t say it. “ love that!
      Thank you for your words of encouragement.
      P.s Ive been fighting an ear infection so sorry for the delayed response! 😁 Happy Holidays! – Crystal